April 02, 2024

APRIL 2024

Dusty is enjoying the new tepee
Little Chachi snuggling in with his new jacket for the first cold night

Chachi and Layla settling down after a big morning. Now I can watch the Eagles YAY

Lotti - shot Jennifer

Norman being a big sook getting a cuddle from Barry

Dusty, Norman, Millie, Sadie, Lotti out for a walk with Barry
Millie Sadie and Lotti

Sadie Millie and Lotti

Lotti Barry and beautiful Sadie
Little Norman

Barry with Lotti

Barry with Millie Sadie Norman and Lotti


Beautiful Sadie

Millie Lotti and Sadie on their walk

There is not a dog Max does not love, here kissing Lotti on her first visit
Norman with attitude
Barry and Sadie

Darling little Millie Norman's sister

Max and Honey are going to miss each other, they play all day and then pass out so very cute

Pippi Honey and Max having a good sniff

Honey on her walk

6 month old Honey is here for her first visit
Max giving Honey some kisses with Pippi looking on

These lot will sleep well tonight they have played and played. Chachi, Pippi and Max

Max having a rest from it all

Little Chachi came for his first visit bearing fresh flowers which I Love xx

Trouble and strife Max and Pippi

Pippi and Max
What a handsome little boy Max is and he is such a sweetheart
Terrific day for a walk


Darling little Max