November 13, 2013

November 2013

I am off to Tannah's birthday party and am excited.............................

Little Schnapps came to stay for a night cause there was a family wedding and she could not go. Sienna baby sat her as she had a sore nail and had been to the Vets and was on 3 legs. A very sweet quite gentle little dog who loves her food and treats

"Big Ted" gets a dress up

Buddy loved the beach and to swim with Sienna, Trav and Monty and Ollie below.

Monty having breakfast in bed, she loves her food. Buddy is not so keen but loves his smacko's. This is Buddy's and Monty's first holiday without Mum and Dad.

Little Buddy in his bed, he likes to burrow - he was a little nervous the first couple of days but then settled in and was my shadow. He loves to walk and comes in each morning for a cuddle.

Naughty but cute Ollie is back again he LOOOOVES the beach to run and run and then a good swim.

1 comment:

  1. hi jenny little note from monty and buddy just to say thanks they loved their stay and hopefully they will be back numerous times in the future.
    tom and Marilyn are very gratefull that you looked after our boys so was good to know they were in good hands whilst we were away. we will recommend you to anyone afew friends have asked us for your number already thanks again!!!!!


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