May 02, 2021

MAY 2021

Eddie Bill and Tinkerbell enjoying a walk in the rain Sienna not so much LOL

Cute little Eddie

Tinkerbell wants me to get out of bed, it is way too cold 

Our grand old lady Honey she is very sweet

Sienna and Miss Miley

Sienna made this Pavlova for Nola and morning tea

Miss Miley with Sienna

Bill and his handsome brother Eddie are back while Mum goes to Broome the lucky duck

Molly on her walk today

Ruby on her walk in the sunshine today

Molly looking for the dolphins

Ruby down watching the dolphins perform today

Ruby is out of hiding and warming up to Molly now.

Day two and Ruby is still scared so is having breakfast in bed on this cold morning!

Little Ruby came for her first stay she is a little nervous, I told her things will improve tomorrow.

Mileys arrival from Broome

Our grand old lady Bella was back for the weekend

Marley with her new sister Miley sharing smackos for brekkie 

Marley and Miley cuddling sleeping through the Eagles Loss today!!!!

Marley Bella and Ted are not interested in the football, a little squashed on the lounge tonight


Little Miley sleeping after a big trip down from Broome and a valium yesterday, and winter has hit

Miley with her mate Ted.

Little Marley who will be Mileys new sister

Molly is back for a couple of days, her and Flora are great mates and never stop playing LOL

Flora and Molly enjoying breakfast together

Flora on her walk lovely day today after all the rain

Flora sharing my T-bone steak, she is a dag😋

Little Flora a little jealous when the Cook crowd arrived, but Daisy and her played and played

Would butter melt in her mouth, so cute, Sienna wants to keep you Daisy

Pepper and Daisy

Sienna with Pepper and Daisy

Cute little Flora loves anyone's bed and cheap toys

Trouble and Strife two look a like puppies who use the place as a race track, thank the Lord they are now resting

Marley loves her home dried chicken strip

Little Flora and Marley and Bill on their walk today, it is a stunning day


Look at Harvey he certainly landed on his feet with with his new Mum Terry - Sue would be so proud looking down from heaven On ya Terry. `

Terry with Harvey Bella Bill and Flora for Mother day lunch at the Marina

Harvey and Bill


Our grand old lady Bella is back for the weekend she is very sweet

Little Flora likes to snuggle on my new Oodie

Bill and Flora on their walk it is a lovely day today.

Squiggle the little minx in Bill's bed

Squiggle and Smudge on their walk 

Little Chilly this morning Smudge and Squiggle finding it hard to get out of bed. 


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