Matilda is growing up
Matilda is not scared of Miley at all - having a cuddle with Mum
A game of chasey in the back garden, Rufus was not going to let anyone have his carrot, funny to watch.
Sailor and I had afternoon tea....................
Double trouble this lot.................Miley and Milo
Sienna with Ollie Buddy and Milo on Anzac Day it was a beautiful sunny day today......
Miley and Miley or Trouble and Strife.................
Ollie Buddy Milo and Miley with Sienna
I love how Miley listens to me she is cute......
First lot of winter storms but we got the hounds out in between showers....onya Sienna
Harvey Ollie Buddy and Milo
Very wet today the boys took the hounds out for an early walk before the weather sets in
Harvey and Milo
Little Marcel came for an over nighter while his parents went to a wedding in Busselton. Dear old boy popped himself in Scott's bed
Miley with Milo having a good run.
Buddy Ollie and Miley
Find the dog Miley cuddled up on my knee watching telly with Ollie at the end.
Sienna and Miley
Gave this lot a good run at the Oval today, Sienna playing Piped Piper below, they love her.
Miley Milo Buddy Ollie and Harvey
Harvey takes the best photo - waiting for his dinner
Little Buddy eating his toothbrush this morning, you will smell terrific now Bud.
School Holidays Milo Miley Harvey Ollie and Buddy on their walk lovely day today.
This is what Ollie and Buddy think of the football........slept through the whole lot.
Travis Sienna with Ollie Harvey Buddy and Milo, lovely sunset tonight
Sienna loves Milo he is very well trained
Sitting waiting to cross the road, he is a good boy.
Buddy Miley Ollie and Cara on their walk today
Winter is on it's way Buddy and Ollie all tucked up in bed it is getting cooler at night now.
Buddy and Ollie with Miley and Cara
I love the way little Miley sits when told.............Cara did not have her listening ears on!
Cara is back while Mum and Dad are in Bali the lucky ducks I could do with a holiday!
Eddie is back
Ollie, Miley and Cara on their walk today it was a stunning day
No Travis Miley does not like you at all!!!!! Look at her eyes
Ollie and Miley out for a walk
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