December 26, 2013

Xmas 2013

A very popular jumping ball from Nelli

Putting this together on Xmas Eve was a problem which lead to a very late night for Trav and Me. It should not have been that hard! A very happy Sienna that Santa had been.

Dear Al sharing her favourite frog she loves it.

Another popular pressy from Scott and Ang

 A little early for Trav. he came good after a swim. 

Ang and Scott again. You paint your own china set this will be fun.

Toshi and Harvey loved their presents and were good at sharing they are cute dogs.

A flying Princess another pressy from Ang and Scott - it ended up up the tree, Sienna loves her new electric tooth brush that plays music for 2 minutes so you know how long to brush for, a great idea. Good look Sienna with the pants pulled up to under her arm pits. I must remember to buy her clothes bigger she is growing soooo fast.

A very helpful Daddy with Zoey Sienna's new very clever baby from Nanny Sharon on the pot.

A very loud Karaoke machine from Jenny seemed like a good idea until the late Xmas Eve putting the bike together! Sienna is sitting on her pink bean bag I had made for her in Bali.....needs more balls but she loved it and will be great when she is resting and watching a little telly here.

Mr Put it together had a very busy morning  onya Trav. A scooter from Scott and Ang.

Face painting in the Xmas stocking may not be such a good idea, at least Sienna will leave my make-up alone Sienna got spoilt and loved every minute of her day.

Dear Al a swim and then a lie down is her idea of a good Xmas


  1. It looks like a fantastic day was had by all.
    And guess what?? It will come around again quicker than you can think.
    Merry Christmas.
    Glor xx

  2. Merry Christmas Jenny!
    It looks like you all had a wonderful day filled with fun and lots of pressies! We too had a little bike to put together Christmas Eve and can empathise with your pain! Loved the pic of Travis helping with the potty training, bet he didn't think he'd be doing that again so soon!
    Love, the Filmers.

  3. What a great haul of loot Sienna received, looks like some very crafty days ahead for Jenny xxx


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