October 07, 2013

Betsy and Barney are back......

Barney and Betsy are back...........two cute dogs.
Barney has his treat in his mouth and looks so beautiful with his winter coat it shows off his colour.
Below catching up with our old mate Banjo.....see ya Wednesday for a game of chasey Banj.....

These two love their beds cuddled up on their first night lots of snoring happening as well.

 Betsy and Barney love to play

Off to Gayle, Reg and Banjo's tonight for a sleep over before the family pick them up tomorrow. There is great excitement in Dawesville as they wait for you. Two very sweet little dogs.

First bit of sunshine for weeks and look at these two enjoying it cuddled up on the back step..very cute
Whoopie and Milly


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