Sienna with little Lotti
Richard with his baby Barney
Welcome home after lunch with Carol and Roy for my birthday, plus a $69 win on the horses, gotta be happy with that.......Lotti, Zoe, Barney Betsy, Bo and Shelby all good hounds.
Shelby, Lotti and Bo on their walk this morning
Jules big birthday in Bali, wish I was there it looks like fun
Lotti is a sweetheart
Bo watching telly with Lotti
Bo Shelby Lotti Merlot on their walk with Julie
Lilly having a rest after playing with her mates
New front garden taking shape, another day and it will be done
Sienna made me by birthday cake and decorated it ...............clever girl I loved it. Ben and Scott were also up to help celebrate
Sienna with Merlot and Lotti, Ben in the background
Merlot above and little Lotti below
Ben on his scooter
Sienna the sook with a big splinter, I thought we may have to take the finger off!!!!!!
Great photo of little Lotti
Little Miley escaped from her yard this morning and panicked. I was driving looking for her and just about to give up and looked in the rear vision mirror and she was running in the middle of the road chasing my car................darling little girl what a relief, she was full of prickles too. Miley and Merlot
Just in time for verge pick up next week, I wonder if they will take it all????? Fingers crossed
Roy looking at his handy work
Malcolm and Roy had them all out and done in about 4 hours, big job
Front garden is getting changed, hedge coming out thanks to Roy and some of my neighbours.
Sienna made herself a healthy brekkie
Little Merlot on her walk today such a sweet little dog