Sienna and Ben watching Shaun the Sheep on the iPad
Olli makes himself at home in bed with Sienna right up on the pillow
Sienna and Koko
Scott Ben Olli Sienna with Koko on our walk or in Koko's case a carry!
Ben dancing to lullaby baby by the Wiggles
Olli Tess and Abi up The Cut with Ben eating his chips.
Scott with Barney Betsy and Abi they loved the sunshine today
Barney and Betsy enjoying their walk down The Cut two very sweet dogs
Down The Cut with Betsy Barney and Abi. Ben below waving to the boats.
Ben helping with the dog walking above Barney and Betsy
Playing chasey with daddy on his horse!
The new blow up bed for Trav and Sienna from BCF they are so comfy and a great buy as they are out for half price.
Sienna enjoying her omelette
Scott, Trav with Abi at the start of the fish comp as usual nothing.......
A daddy teaching his son to fish........ nothing caught as there was too much weed.
Scott reading to the kids Sienna loves to play and look after her cousin Ben
A healthy drink for brekky is there nothing this kid won't eat...........he has beetroot everywhere
These are a big thank you from Zoe's Mum..................the flowers are stunning and I will save the Moét for a special occasion.YUM YUM
Little Ben day one of his holiday with Shaun the Sheep I knitted for him it is one of his favs
This is what happens when the Groomer from Blue Wheelers did not listen to my instructions. Zoe I have always said there is only a week between a good and bad haircut. I must admit you do look like two big eyes on legs!!!! But adorable........... Gloria that is not the true size of her scar it is a lot smaller it just looks a lot worse in photos for some reason. She is clean and happy so I guess that is the main thing..
Pretty girl Zoe on my legs cause no lounge seats left......a much needed trip to the beauty parlour for you tomorrow Zoe
Little Squiggle waiting for her dinner
Smudge dinner and then to bed after a ball throwing competition
Smudge dinner and then to bed after a ball throwing competition
Abi waiting for her dinner wanting to know if it is going to be any time soon?
One of my Guests no name mentioned here was caught eating her poo so I asked the Vet what to do about it and she said to add pineapple to her meals and I must admit so far so good I have only seen her do it once more. Worth a try.
Sienna and Zoe
Sienna and Zoe
Sam and Sienna
Below Zoe and Cute little Squiggle
Good one of the dogs not Sienna so much...................5 out of 6 not too bad.
Cant get good kids these days!!!!!! Cheeky Monkey....but cute as...
Smudge is a handsome boy who loves to chase the ball all day he is keeping Sienna busy!
These two were soooo happy to see each other again and Squiggle has not had to walk a step since!
Sienna in her new Treendale School uniform
Zoe and Sam cleaning their teeth with a raw chicken neck......
Sam enjoying a treat on the winter lawn!